Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Advertising Industry is Trying to Kill Me

1. Baroy and N are watching AMC. A commercial for Extenze comes on. (The fact that AMC thinks commercials for Extenze are appropriate for the 8:30 viewing audience...I can't. I just can't.)

N turns to Baroy: Daddy, I should get some of those. They make you grow bigger!

Baroy leaves the room so that the sound of his choking laughter doesn't upset N.

2. N is in the other room. Em hears him saying, "hot, hot, hot," over and over. She calls in to him.

Em: What's hot?

N, coming into the room where we are, carrying a Sears circular from the newspaper with photos of ladies in swimwear: These girls. I want to marry them! They're so hot, dude.

Eight. Eight years old.

Oy vey.


PnP said...

OH MY GOD! You should have a warning lable or something on this one...Diet Coke just spurted from my nose..ow!


Niksmom said...

Bwahahahahahaha! Ahem, I mean, I'm sorry you experienced that.

The advertising industry may be trying to kill you but it sure is giving you good blog fodder! ;-)

po said...

Oy indeed!

It's not just ads that are ruining my children :p. Some of the older kids' cartoons like Johnny Test have a lot of talk about people being hot and stuff I'd associate with teens and older. Not to mention Total Drama Island (not that I'd let my kids watch a cartoon that's rated PG, that was on at 8:00, that has a sequel series coming up that my kids are counting down the days till it starts :p! That showed a girl getting her top pulled off (her chest pixellated out!))

extenze said...

well, technically it does make you grow bigger... :p

extenze said...

sorry you had to see that lol

Extenze said...

that was on at 8:00, that has a sequel series coming up that my kids are counting down the days till it starts :p! That showed a girl getting her top pulled off

Anonymous said...

Of course, he cannot promise the same effects of Extenze for other men. He does prove that Extenze Maximum Strength version works effectively for him and extended his pleasures sexually. He hasn't tried the regular version yet so he cannot say the same effects will happen with it. For you to find out if what he says is truly effective then you have to try Extenze yourself.