Sunday, August 5, 2007

No one is gong to die today

Well, at least not at my hands.

Welcome, Aunt Flo. Welcome, once again, some semblance of sanity. And, as Po said so aptly, damn you, perimenopause! (Also, Po? "Wanting to rip out the heart of the person standing next to you and stuff it down his freaking throat"? Bingo. Even got the gender right.)

God, I despise PMS. Bring on the fall of estrogen. I'll take the hot flashes if it means I can shed the worst of the mood swings.

Hey, Baroy. It's safe to come out of the bushes now.


po said...

Yeah, that was me yesterday. It's pretty sad when you finally start flowing and go, "Oh thank GAWWWWWD!" because you know you'll finally regain some semblance of sanity again.

As you said several years back, just can't wait to be a crone.

Anonymous said...

wait until you experience your first bunch of night sweats...and yes, i mean bunch because you don't have 1 a night, you have many, waking each time to throw off the covers only to put them back on because you are then i hope sleep means not so much to you...

Ambre said...

Mirena. It's the wonder... uh, thing.

Anonymous said...

like ambre said, the pros of the iud, i have not had one in a year.........happy dance