So there's this guy in my office, and really, he's very very nice, and I feel mean for complaining about him, but...
Oy. If he doesn't leave me alone with the Kosher stuff, I'm going to kill him!
I'm mean. I really am. I know he's just trying to be nice, to find some kind of common ground. Or not-common ground, because he's not Jewish. Insteady, I guess he's trying to find something to talk about with me. Some kind of more personal connection than the weather. It's so sweet of him to try. But I really am going to kill him.
It all dates back to when I took a couple of days off for the Jewish holidays. Soon thereafter, he started pulling me aside when he saw me getting coffee (which is right next to his office).
"Hey, TC, did you know that they have a Kosher kitchen on campus?"
Oh, really? I had no idea. How interesting. I mean, I'm not Kosher,'s nice to know that they try. Thanks for telling me.
"TC, some day we should go over to the LunchPlace and I'll show you where the Kosher kitchen is!"
That would be really cool. I mean, like I said, I don't keep Kosher, but, sure, I guess...
"TC, did you see that the Kosher kitchen is sponsoring a dinner Friday night? You should think about going so you could meet other Jewish people from the campus!"
Yeah, well, thanks, but I have to get home and feed the kids, and did I mention, I'm not Kosher, and...
"Hey, TC, come look at the photos I took at the Kosher dinner on Friday night. I have some questions to ask you about the whole Kosher thing. I mean, why did they blahblahblah and when they blabidyblah, why did they bleedledeedoo..."
I do not know. I DO NOT KNOW. I am not Kosher. Not Kosher! NOT! KOSHER!
You know, there's an African American woman in my office as well, and I've noticed lately that there is another coworker of ours who, every time she goes by this woman's office, stops to talk about Obama. It's, well...embarrassing is what it is. Awkward. I wonder where it comes from?
And I wonder whether I'll go directly to hell for being so mean about someone who is just trying to be nice...or whether I'll stop off at the Kosher kitchen first?