Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spelling Whiz

I'm still on vacation (back soon! promise!) but had to pass the following email from my brother-in-law Steve along. He sent it to my other brothers-in-law a couple of weeks ago, but held off on telling me/Baroy/my mother "until after the window of disciplinary possibilities had closed." Smart man.
I was on the phone with N this afternoon. He was talking in the family room and had me on speaker, as usual. The following dialogue ensued:

N: Uncle, I'm going to take you off speaker now. (To TC.) Mama, I have to talk to Uncle in private for a minute outside.

(I hear TC assent and then hear the patio door open and close.)

N (In a whisper): Uncle?
ME: Yes, sweetheart.
N (Still whispering): B-I-C-H, Bitch. F-U-C-K, Fuck. S-H-I-T, Shit. D-A-M-I-T, Dammit.

(I hear hear the patio door open and close again.)

NOAH (To TC): Okay, Mama. I can put Uncle back on speaker.

I'm still weeping....
I am, too, of course. But for different reasons. (OK, I'm actually laughing my ass off. But don't tell N--or my brother-in-law--I said so.)


Leila said...

Oh, that's great.

Perry was next to me on dh's laptop playing the Webkinz equivalent of Popcap's Bookworm... And tried to hide the screen this is hand as he tried F U C and C E X.

AB said...

I sure am glad I wasn't around - I would have been blamed for teaching him those words as I did to a few others. LOL

Hope you are having a good trip home.

herself said...
